A Quick Guide to What’s in Season

Have you ever wondered why some fruits taste better in the summer compared to the winter? Or even why prices of produce vary throughout the year? It all depends on what’s in season!

Fruits and vegetables are harvested, or picked, at various times during the year. Therefore, knowing what fruits and vegetables are in season will not only make your taste buds happier, but your wallet, too. Another benefit to eating seasonal fruit is that most of the time they are produced on local farms in your area, so they’re fresher and take less time to transport. Seasonal fruit taste better because they are harvest at the peak of their ripeness and are full of flavor.

Why should you eat local?
Two red apples on the branch of an apple tree.

Eating in-season produce ensures they are the freshest and most tasty.

This is a common question, and the simple answer is that the food often tastes better and you are supporting your local economy. Purchasing locally grown foods supports local farms to help them maintain their farms and supports their business. Supporting local farmers also helps grow your community’s economy. The food grown locally on these farms can be purchased from restaurants and other local vendors such as grocery stores and farmers markets. Another huge benefit to buying from local growers is that the farmers can tell you how and when the food was grown and harvested. This is really important to some people and allows customers to know a lot more about the food they are buying and consuming.

Not sure what’s in season? The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has a great guide. Here you will see an easy to read list of when all the fruits and vegetables are at their peak season. Fall is right around the corner, so it is a perfect time to try out new recipes with all the yummy in-season food such as beets, cabbage, grapes, kale, lemons, pears, pumpkin, and so much more!

By Avi Pelly

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