Game Day Snack Swaps

This Sunday is a big day for football fans (and, if you’re like me, commercial fans). It’s also a big day for munching and crunching on a variety of snacks that may not line up with MyPlate guidelines. Don’t worry, we’re setting your game day snack plan in motion with a few healthy swaps. If… Continue Reading Game Day Snack Swaps

Realistic Resolutions to Eat Smart

Create new healthy eating habits that will carry you through to the next decade. Eating smart provides all the basic nutrients you need for good health, helps prevent chronic diseases, and can set your children up for a lifetime of good eating habits. To help you achieve your resolutions for eating smart, check out our… Continue Reading Realistic Resolutions to Eat Smart

Realistic Resolutions to Move More

Have you started thinking about New Year’s Resolutions yet? This year is an even bigger milestone since it’s a brand new decade, too! If you’re ready to create new healthy habits that will carry you through to the next decade, we’re here to help you succeed! We’ll be sharing lots of resources for making sustainable… Continue Reading Realistic Resolutions to Move More

FNP Holiday Tips: Thanksgiving Meal Plan

Have you all been following our #FNPholidaytips on our Facebook page? Hopefully, all these tips will help you plan a healthier, more organized holiday meal for your family.

Nutrition Basics of Water

In our previous post about the 6 Basic Nutrients, we gave a short description of the macronutrient water. Today, we’ll go into more detail about water, its functions in the body, and some information about different strategies to drink enough water. 

Build Your Own Sweet Dips

Do you feel like the only snacks your kids enjoy are packaged with added sugar and fat? Your kids can snack smart when you put the right ingredients together! Using whole foods from your Better Pantry can help you stick to your budget, while getting nutrients in your child’s growing body.

Avoiding Added Sugars

The holiday season is quickly approaching and bringing with it an avalanche of added sugar. It starts with Halloween candy, then Thanksgiving with all the desserts, the holiday parties in December and runs all the way through the new year, with a quick return in February for Valentine’s Day. Phew, that’s a solid 5 months… Continue Reading Avoiding Added Sugars