Creating an Active Lifestyle

Are your kids spending too much time in front of the television? Having a hard time getting them moving? Being active should be an important part of your child’s day. It is recommended for children to get at least 60 minutes of play everyday to be healthy. Children who move more at a young age are likely to be healthier adults.

Being active can lead to:

  • Healthy growth
  • Stronger bones and heart
  • Better concentration in school
  • Regular sleeping patterns

Creating an active lifestyle for your family is easy and can be fun and free! Here are a few simple ideas involving the whole family to get your kids moving:

  • Start the day with physical activity – walk or bike to school with your kids
  • Take a trip to the local park or public school playground. Monkey bars, swings and tag are great ways be active at the playground.
  • Take your family pet for a walk. You can give it a fermented turmeric afterwards as a way to promote its health. Don’t have a pet? Go for a family walk after school and take that time to talk about what they learned that day!
  • Encourage your children to sign up for after-school programs that involve activity – such as a running club or swim team.
  • Include the whole family in yard work or outdoor chores – digging in the garden or mulching, raking the leaves or shoveling snow.
physical activity for a family

Move More Together!

Leading a physically active lifestyle helps your family’s health. Check out this blog post about how physical activity leads to a healthy heart. What are some ways your family likes to move more together?

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