Delicious AND Healthy Chocolate Pudding… Is It Possible? Yes! It Is!

Written by Ashley Francis
Part of National Nutrition Month 2014

If you are a picky-eater like me, trying new recipes and finding ways to incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet is challenging. I mean it is really tough! My favorite staple-foods (sweet-treats, steak, and potatoes) offer little nutritional benefit. I also love high-fat meals because they quickly satisfy my hunger. Coincidentally, I am super passionate about nutrition and health, and as you can imagine, this sometimes presents a real challenge!

healthy chocolate pudding

Image by Ashley Francis

If you also have this problem, TRY THIS RECIPE! It will help you enjoy the taste of eating right! Full of fiber, good fats, vitamins and minerals, this recipe is delicious and nutritious. The ingredients may make you second-guess my claims, but this chocolate pudding will please even the pickiest eater. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 2 avocados (pitted and peeled)
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • ¾ cup maple syrup
  • ¾ cup cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • ¼ tsp. cinnamon
  • A pinch of salt
chocolate avocado pudding

Image by Ashley Francis

Simply toss everything into a blender, run for about 2-3 minutes, and voila! Yummy pudding that tastes NOTHING like the nutritious ingredients it’s made from. Skeptical? Try it out just to see if it’s really possible to make a chocolate pudding from avocados. I have a feeling your curiosity will get the best of you; and you may end up licking the bowl when you’re done because it’s so delicious! This sweet treat is high in calories because of the healthy fats in avocados and the sugar in maple syrup, so it’s not a daily indulgence. Keep your serving size to ½ cup.

Taste is such an important part of eating. This recipe proves that eating right can still taste good – even for picky eaters. What do you think? Are you willing to give chocolate avocado pudding a try?


Duyff, R. (2013, April). 365 Days of healthy eating from the American Dietetic Association: a to avocados. Retrieved from:
Montminy, Z. (2013, Dec. 6). A good for you chocolate pudding you can’t resist. Retrieved from:

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