Mix it Up: Breakfast for Dinner

Are you eating the same foods for dinner day after day? Do you want to mix up dinner, but don’t know where to start? 

Cooking the same meals is great, but it’s fun to mix it up. Try cooking breakfast for dinner!

MyPlate Guidelines state every meal should include half a plate of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and veggies are vital for getting vitamins and minerals. Mixing up breakfast for dinner doesn’t mean giving up fruits and vegetables: mix them in! 

Prepare vegetables 

Grated vegetables stir into a batter or omelet without needing a lot of time, energy, or recipe changes. They are also great for picky eaters who don’t like to see the vegetables they are eating. Check out this carrot pineapple muffin recipe to see how easy it is to mix in grated carrots. Other veggies great for grating include:

  • Zucchini
  • Cucumbers
  • Turnips

Blending can mix vegetables into batter, a smoothie, or break vegetables into smaller pieces. Try blending or chopping broccoli into smaller pieces for a veggie omelet. Green smoothies are a sweeter option for blending with vegetables. Veggies great for blending include:

  • Spinach
  • Cauliflower
  • Butternut Squash 
Make it fun for the kids 

Try these tips for getting your kids to eat breakfast for dinner:

  • Rename the food
    • Try naming the food with something the kids can relate to. For example, call a green smoothie the Incredible Hulk smoothie. It will reduce the concern around the new color or appearance of a familiar food.
  • Get the kids in the kitchen 
    • Have your kids help you grate the vegetables and mix them into your meal. This provides kids with the chance to check out the new veggie before it’s on their plate. Check out this article for more about getting your kids in the kitchen. 

Breakfast for dinner is a fun way to mix it up while still eating your vegetables. How will you mix it up with your family?

By Sydney Crofton

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