Realistic Resolutions to Move More

Have you started thinking about New Year’s Resolutions yet? This year is an even bigger milestone since it’s a brand new decade, too! If you’re ready to create new healthy habits that will carry you through to the next decade, we’re here to help you succeed! We’ll be sharing lots of resources for making sustainable changes to old behaviors so you can eat smart and move more every day. Today, let’s start with a cheat sheet of realistic New Year’s Resolutions for moving more. Feel free to use them as is, adapt them to fit your lifestyle, or get inspired to create your own individualized activity goals.

All of these ideas are:

  • SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-based. You’ll know exactly what you’re working towards, how often you’ll do it, and how to know if you’ve accomplished it.
  • Evidence-based – All of these suggestions are based on research that shows people can change their health status by adopting these behaviors. Work on any of these goals and you’ll be on your way to a healthier lifestyle.
  • Small steps that add up over time – While some people can accomplish drastic lifestyle changes, many people get overwhelmed (and demotivated) when changing too much too fast. 
  • Supported with additional resources – We’ve been writing this blog for over 7 years now and have lots of great resources for each of these habits to help you as you make each change. And don’t forget, you can ask us for advice or more information at any time! We want you to be successful, so reach out if you need more assistance in your journey. 

Choose Your Resolution:

Beginning Goal: Be active for 10 minutes 3 times a week.

Building Goal: Be active for 20 minutes 4 times a week.

Challenging Goal: Be active for 30 minutes 5 times a week.

Choose Your Own Goal: I will (pick a physical activity) for (how often / how long/ how far / how many steps a day or week).

Once you’ve picked your goal, be sure to spend some time making a plan to change

Tips for success:

  • Unless you have good access to a gym or recreation center (or don’t mind the cold), begin your activity habit at home. 
  • Start with movements you can do without buying equipment. Once you have your habit established and are ready to bump up the intensity, then consider getting equipment like hand weights or a stability ball. You can always use common household items, too.
  • Start with shorter workouts and build up how long, how often, and how hard you exercise over time. Going too hard too fast can make you sore, increase the risk of injury, and make you more likely to stop.
  • Choose activities you enjoy. If you like your new physical activity, you’ll keep doing it. If you don’t like doing it, you’re more likely to quit. There are so many different ways to be active, don’t force yourself to do something you don’t enjoy.


Are you planning to move more in the new year? Share your goal or resolution with us! We’ll be sharing even more ideas for resolutions and tips for crushing your goals through the end of the year and into 2020. So if you have ideas or requests for materials that will help you in your behavior change journey, let us know!

Realistic Resolutions to Move More

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