Smart Storage for Fresh Produce

Storing fresh produce in the proper place can help maintain freshness, extend the storage life, and retain more nutrients. But with so many different fruits and vegetables, it’s hard to know where to put them all when unpacking your grocery bags.

In general, you should store produce the same way it’s stored at the grocery store. So if you buy Brussels sprouts from a refrigerated case, then store them in the fridge. Or if you pick up some apples from a table display, they will be okay to keep in a fruit bowl on the counter. And once any fruit or vegetable is cut up, it needs to be refrigerated.

In the Pantry

How to store fruit pantry blog copy  How to store vegetables pantry blog copy

In the Fridge

How to store fruit fridge blog copy  How to store vegetables fridge blog copy

First the Pantry, then the Fridge

How to store ripen then fridge blog copy


For more detailed information on where and how long to store fresh produce, check out these resources from California Cooperative Extension, Vermont Cooperative Extension, and the Fruits and Veggies More Matters campaign.

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