Summer Food Ideas

What we choose to eat is influenced by many factors, such as taste preferences, culture, season, and weather. Summer makes me think of barbecues, picnics, eating from the garden, and cold treats to cool off. Eat smart this summer with these ideas for warm weather recipes.

Oven-Free Recipes

When the weather is as hot as it has been, you don’t want to do anything to make it hotter. Using the oven can heat up the kitchen, so here are some ideas to keep it cooler in the kitchen. 

  • No-cook recipes are a great option and are usually pretty quick to prep, too. 
  • Your slow cooker is another good way to have a hot meal without breaking a sweat. Here are a few slow cooker recipe ideas from an older post I wrote during colder weather.
  • You can also do some meal prep earlier in the week and just reheat ingredients each night. 

Choose Seasonal Produce

Summer is prime time for local foods, either from your garden or the farmers market. Seasonal produce is a great option because it’s fresher, tastier, and likely cheaper. It’s not too late to grow your own veggies, either. Start a fall garden now and harvest some tasty leafy greens, broccoli, radishes, or other fall crops in a few months.

multigenerational family grilling out and eating outdoors

Eating outdoors is a fun summer tradition.

Sweet Treats

Frozen desserts are another classic summer food. But most are full of added sugar and low on nutrition. The good news is you can enjoy tasty smoothies or popsicles made with fruit and low-fat dairy for a healthier option. Frozen grapes are an easy but refreshing treat, too. And of course, nothing beats a juicy slice of watermelon or cantaloupe on a warm day.

What’s your perfect summer meal? Do you change what you cook depending on the season?

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