behavior change


Can’t Find the Willpower to Eat Smart & Move More?

Many people think that changing their behavior to live a healthier lifestyle takes lots of willpower. But they’re only half right. Willpower is what gets us started, but habit or a new term I like “skillpower,” is what keeps you going.


Don’t Bring Home the Bacon!

Written by Elaine Meredith Part of National Nutrition Month 2014 A breakfast for those with hypertension. Why do you eat what you eat? Maybe because the food you eat now is what you grew up with. Possibly it’s because one restaurant is cheaper than another. Maybe it’s because it’s just plain tasty! Taste has a… Continue Reading Don’t Bring Home the Bacon!


Goal Setting: Roadmap to Change

Goal setting is an important tool for changing your lifestyle. SMART Goals are a formula to create an effective plan of action to produce a desired result. In other words, SMART Goals are the directions that take you from where you are to where you want to go. So why are they called SMART? The… Continue Reading Goal Setting: Roadmap to Change