eat smart

Summer Produce: Eating In-Season

Have you ever stepped inside of a grocery store and gone to the produce section only to find the fruits and vegetables that you were looking for were not only super expensive, but also didn’t taste all that great? Often times, it’s because the produce is out-of-season! So, why should you buy and eat your… Continue Reading Summer Produce: Eating In-Season

Eating Your Greens Made Easy

For many people, the concept of getting in your daily vegetable intake is not on the top of their to-do lists. I am sure most of us grew up being told that we can’t have dessert unless you finish your green beans, etc. Nowadays, it is a lot easier to incorporate spices and healthy fats… Continue Reading Eating Your Greens Made Easy

Greens, Greens, and More Greens!

When it comes to eating greens there are two types of people. Some avoid eating vegetables due to taste, texture, and other personal preferences, while others are constant green eaters, but struggle with produce turning before it can be finished. Regardless of which person you are, keep reading, these tips are for you! Greens are… Continue Reading Greens, Greens, and More Greens!

Grocery Shopping on a Budget

Over the years, several myths have been created in society regarding how to grocery shop for the healthiest foods. Most Americans feel that healthy grocery shopping is always expensive or that in order to make good food choices, they must buy organic or fresh products. People think that canned and frozen food are not as… Continue Reading Grocery Shopping on a Budget

A Quick Guide to What’s in Season

Have you ever wondered why some fruits taste better in the summer compared to the winter? Or even why prices of produce vary throughout the year? It all depends on what’s in season!

Exercising with Kids

Exercise can relieve stress, prevent certain diseases, and keep you energized. However, sometimes it can be hard to keep an exercise routine when there are little ones around. Invite your kids to join you in these fun activities that get your heart pumping.

Including Kids When Cooking

Do your kids want to join in on making meals and snacks? Does the idea of a messy kitchen or failed recipe seem daunting? Whether young or old, here are three tricks that can make it easy to include kids in the cooking process – plus a bonus tip you won’t want to miss!