
Organic vs. Conventionally Grown Produce: What’s the difference?

Walking through the aisles in a grocery store can be confusing, especially when thinking about the difference between buying organically grown food versus buying conventionally grown food. Among all of the different labels thrown on food packages, understanding organic versus non-organic is just another hurdle consumers have to jump over.  Whether you are shopping for… Continue Reading Organic vs. Conventionally Grown Produce: What’s the difference?

All About Fiber

January is Fiber Focus Month and it couldn’t fall at a better time. Almost every popular New Year’s Resolution can be more successful by adding fiber! So what is fiber? Dietary fiber is a type of non-digestible carbohydrate found in plant foods. There are two types of fiber – soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber… Continue Reading All About Fiber


Summer Produce Recipe Round-up

Do I sound like a broken record yet? Seasonal produce saves money, tastes better and is more nutritious. Buy it at the Farmers Market or harvest from your garden. Summer is the best time for buying, cooking, and eating fresh fruits and veggies, as it’s the height of the growing season. What is your favorite summer… Continue Reading Summer Produce Recipe Round-up


Gardening for Health and Wealth

Last week, we talked about seasonal foods. This week, I wanted to tell you about the best source of affordable, nutritious, local, seasonal foods: a garden! For the price of a pound of tomatoes, you can use your SNAP benefits to buy a tomato plant. That plant will produce many pounds of tomatoes over its… Continue Reading Gardening for Health and Wealth