summer produce

Summer Food Ideas

What we choose to eat is influenced by many factors, such as taste preferences, culture, season, and weather. Summer makes me think of barbecues, picnics, eating from the garden, and cold treats to cool off. Eat smart this summer with these ideas for warm weather recipes.


All About Peaches

Fresh peaches are one of the official signs of summer, along with homegrown tomatoes and sweet corn. August is National Peach Month, so visit your local farmers market or grocery store and stock up on these tasty fruits. When you buy in-season, you get the best taste and price.  


Summer Produce Recipe Round-up

Do I sound like a broken record yet? Seasonal produce saves money, tastes better and is more nutritious. Buy it at the Farmers Market or harvest from your garden. Summer is the best time for buying, cooking, and eating fresh fruits and veggies, as it’s the height of the growing season. What is your favorite summer… Continue Reading Summer Produce Recipe Round-up