Make a Healthy Change

Eat Heart Smart

It’s fitting that we celebrate American Heart Month at the same time as Valentine’s Day. Both holidays honor the health of your heart – physically and emotionally. One of the goals of the Family Nutrition Program is to improve health and prevent chronic diseases, like heart disease. While some risk factors cannot be changed, like… Continue Reading Eat Heart Smart

How to Cook for a Healthy 2019

The most popular New Year’s Resolutions are related to health – moving more, losing weight, quitting smoking, etc. Although many people know what eating smart means, actually cooking and eating healthy meals each day is not so easy. How do you cook MyPlate meals when you’re short on time and money? Start with the basics… Continue Reading How to Cook for a Healthy 2019

Kids Eat Right With Your Help

August is Kids Eat Right Month™, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the Academy Foundation’s chance to highlight the fight for our children’s healthy future. Eating habits are learned by what children are served and what those around them eat as well. Parents can have a big impact by being healthy role models so… Continue Reading Kids Eat Right With Your Help

Resetting Your Resolutions

How are your New Year’s Resolutions going? Don’t want to talk about it, huh? While it’s great that so many people are excited about making healthy changes at the same time, resolution enthusiasm fades quickly. Old habits creep back in and most people give up on resolutions within a few weeks. But if you’re still… Continue Reading Resetting Your Resolutions

Make a Plan to Change

Just because you’ve set resolutions for the new year doesn’t mean that you’ll magically accomplish them. Yes, framing your resolutions as SMART goals will help, but then what? Your habits are fairly set at this point and we’re creatures of habits and routines. You need a plan to change from what you’re currently doing to… Continue Reading Make a Plan to Change

New Year, New Healthy Habits

Whether you want to set a typical New Year’s Resolution, or just continue to improve your eating and activity habits, January is a good time to make a change. There’s lots of energy and social support for developing healthy habits. And most people are feeling ready to eat smarter and move more after the holiday… Continue Reading New Year, New Healthy Habits

How Sleep Impacts Health

This weekend, Daylight Savings Time ended and we all set our clocks back an hour. For most people, this usually means a magical extra hour of badly needed sleep (with the unfortunate tradeoff of the sun setting at 5 o’clock). Experts recommend these sleep related products to most adults to get 7-9 hours of sleep… Continue Reading How Sleep Impacts Health