Make a Healthy Change

Kids and Screen Time: When is enough, enough?

Moving away from Screens In today’s digital age, technology plays an integral role in our daily lives, offering convenience, information, and entertainment at our fingertips. From smartphones to smart home devices, technology has become deeply embedded in our routines, transforming the way we communicate, work, and interact with the world around us. It has revolutionized… Continue Reading Kids and Screen Time: When is enough, enough?

Don’t Fall for the Fads

We’re seeing a bunch of messages online about using this time at home to focus on recommitting to your health. There is also an alarming number of advertisements and online messaging about fad diets that highlight dramatic weight loss programs. While they may yield quick results, fad diets often promote unhealthy and sometimes downright dangerous… Continue Reading Don’t Fall for the Fads

National Nutrition Month: Realistic Serving Sizes

Did you ever notice that a serving size was much smaller than what you would normally consume in one sitting? If so, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) noticed. The new Nutrition Facts label now includes updated, realistic serving sizes and packaging requirements based on science. 

Tips to Curb Cravings

What you put into your body can determine how you think, feel, and act. Controlling your cravings with healthier foods can not only help you lose/maintain weight, but also make you feel better overall. Healthy foods give you energy by providing your body with necessary nutrients. 

Get Moving for Mental Health

We’ve reached that point in winter when all we crave is a long, warm, sunny day, and reality is the complete opposite. When those low-energy feelings start to arise, the best thing to do is to get moving. Physical activity has many benefits for both your physical and mental health, which can make these days… Continue Reading Get Moving for Mental Health

Realistic Resolutions to Move More

Have you started thinking about New Year’s Resolutions yet? This year is an even bigger milestone since it’s a brand new decade, too! If you’re ready to create new healthy habits that will carry you through to the next decade, we’re here to help you succeed! We’ll be sharing lots of resources for making sustainable… Continue Reading Realistic Resolutions to Move More

New School Year, New Healthy Routines

August is here and it’s back to school season. Making changes to your lifestyle requires changing up your current routine with new healthy habits. What better time to make some healthy changes than when you’re already establishing a new routine? This school year, commit to eating smarter and moving more as a family.