save money

Freeze More to Spend Less

Freezing produce and buying in-season are two easy ways to save money. Freezing leads to less waste, and shopping seasonally allows you to buy produce at a lower cost. What’s even better is that freezing ripe produce means you keep the item at its highest nutrient content. A freezer of prepped produce saves trips to… Continue Reading Freeze More to Spend Less

Meal Planning with Pinterest

Did you know that FNP has a Pinterest page? We have a lot of useful resources on our boards to help you eat smart and move more for better health. And like any good Pinterest page, we have recipes! I personally love using Pinterest to find new recipe ideas and have created a meal planning… Continue Reading Meal Planning with Pinterest

Shopping Smart on a Budget

Did you know that the average supermarket carries 39,500 different items? With so many options, how do you shop smart and make the best choices for your family? When you’re trying to eat smart on a budget, grocery shopping can be hard. But it is possible to save money and still eat well. It just… Continue Reading Shopping Smart on a Budget


Shopping in Bulk

When you use unit pricing to compare costs of different foods, you quickly learn that larger sizes are often a better buy. But there are a few things you should think about before you bring home that 30-pound bag of rice and case of canned tuna. Is It Worth It? Storage space– If you don’t… Continue Reading Shopping in Bulk