Eat Smart, Move More


Eat Smart, Move More, Slim Down

How many of you made a New Year’s Resolution to lose weight this year? If you’re like the average American, about half of you readers want to lose weight in 2014. Well, I have great news for you. The Family Nutrition Program has a newly redesigned program to help you meet your weight loss goals… Continue Reading Eat Smart, Move More, Slim Down


Eat More Seafood

As we discussed before, seafood is both delicious and nutritious. The Omega 3 fats that we all think of with seafood have some pretty amazing health benefits. Omega 3 fats help to prevent heart disease, cancer, and even Alzheimer’s disease. Sadly, we only consume about 60% of the recommended amount of seafood.   Here are… Continue Reading Eat More Seafood


Thanksgiving Leftover Remix

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday. We had a great meal with family and the weather cleared up enough that we were able to take our traditional post-dinner walk. That walk is always refreshing in the crisp air and let me tell you, no one who goes for a walk ends up napping… Continue Reading Thanksgiving Leftover Remix


Smart Nutrition as You Age

Nutrition is important for your health at every stage of life, from pregnancy to late in life. As your body changes from a rapidly growing baby and teenager then slowing into adulthood and older age, your nutrient needs also change. Let’s look at how eating smart works for older adults. Calorie Needs As you age,… Continue Reading Smart Nutrition as You Age


National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You may have seen pink ribbons, pink shirts, or even NFL players’ pink gloves already this month, with many organizations using this promotion to help raise money for breast cancer research. Risk of Developing Breast Cancer Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women. (Skin cancer is… Continue Reading National Breast Cancer Awareness Month