eat smart


All About Berries

What’s your favorite kind of berry? Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, or strawberries? I don’t think I could pick just one! Berries are usually a favorite for kids because they’re sweet, colorful, and perfectly bite-sized. Late spring and summer are when locally grown berries are available and most affordable. Fresh berries can be expensive when bought out… Continue Reading All About Berries


Happy and Healthy Summer Celebrations

Camping, barbecues, picnics, potlucks, and al fresco dining are popular summer pastimes. We love breaking bread and enjoying sunny weather together. All too often, nutrition and food safety take a backseat to enjoying these summer celebrations. But with these tips and recipes, your family can make memories that last a lifetime while still eating smart!


Have No Fear, Oil Is Here

This post was written by VT Dietetic students Amanda Carter, Erica L Hess, Kim Colicchio, and Kelly Richards. Being a mother is never an easy feat! Every mother wants their child to be strong and healthy. One way to ensure your child grows up healthy is to prepare your meals at home with oils instead of… Continue Reading Have No Fear, Oil Is Here


Protein Doesn’t Just Mean Meat

This post was written by VT Dietetic students Lauren Jaeger, Olivia Privitera, Jessica Perkins, Jillian Rogers, and Samantha Altizer. When people often hear the word “protein,” they immediately think of meat. But there are more protein sources that are healthier, cheaper, and easier to cook than meat protein sources. Some examples of these are beans, such… Continue Reading Protein Doesn’t Just Mean Meat


Carol’s Family Cuts Back on Sodium

This post was written by VT Dietetic students Kelsie Jacobs, Rachel Magri, Tyler Epperson, Suzanne Bowser, and Stephanie Bruner. Help set your children up for a healthy lifestyle by encouraging lots of physical activity and healthy eating. Lowering sodium reduces the risk of high blood pressure, even in children. Many people are not aware of how… Continue Reading Carol’s Family Cuts Back on Sodium


Whole Grains in Your Daily Life

Today’s post was written by VT Dietetic students Hannah Winston, Miriam Eackloff, Darian Carter, Kendall Holloway, Ali Moore. There are two types of grains: whole grains and refined grains. Whole grains contain the entire kernel and refined grains have been milled. Milling is a process that removes the bran and the germ, helping make grains more… Continue Reading Whole Grains in Your Daily Life


Easy Ways to Eat More Veggies

Today’s post was written by VT Dietetic students Samantha Adas, Sandy Ma, Cassidy Moore, Lauren Iezzi, Patrick O’Brien. Vegetables usually have a bad rep, especially among children. It can sometimes be difficult to include them in your family’s meals and snacks but they shouldn’t be overlooked. Vegetables provide important nutrients that will help keep kids healthy… Continue Reading Easy Ways to Eat More Veggies