Ideas for Eating Smart and Moving More at Family Picnics

Picnics are great family outings for people watching their budgets. They can make your usual dinner a special event with just a little extra planning (but no extra cost!). Practicing good food safety is important for picnics, since you’ll be storing and eating food without the usual refrigeration or cleaning amenities you’re used to in a kitchen. Taking your meal to the local park or playground also encourages moving more, as your kids will want to run and play outdoors. Here’s a list of recipes and activities to help your family eat smart and move more at your next picnic.

Smart Choices for Family Picnics

Simple Appetizers

Healthy Side Dishes

Make-Ahead Main Dishes

Smart Desserts

Games and Activities to Move More

  • Take a hike.
  • Go for a bike ride or bike to your picnic.
  • Burn off some energy by playing tag or hide and seek.
  • Toss a Frisbee® or football or baseball around. For older kids, organize a game of ultimate Frisbee® or two-hand touch football.
  • If you have a net, play badminton or volleyball.
  • Challenge each other to a game of horseshoes, 벳엔드, or cornhole.
  • Go for a swim or splash in a sprinkler.
  • Fly a kite or chase bubbles.
  • If you have a smartphone, try Geocaching or Pokemon Go.

Families having healthy picnics by eating smart and moving more

July is National Picnic Month. Celebrate by planning a picnic with your family. Where will you go? How will you plan for a healthy family outing by eating smart and moving more?

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