family friendly

Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15 – October 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month. First introduced by California Congressman George E. Brown in 1968, this month serves as a recognition for the many roles that Hispanic individuals have played in our communities around the country. The dates are significant because these they represent the Independence Day celebrations of five Hispanic… Continue Reading Hispanic Heritage Month

Back to School!

The heat of summer is (finally) starting to fade, giving way to cooler weather and… back to school time! While this is an exciting time for parents, it can also be a time that brings about certain worries for both parents and kids. One of those worries may center around food. Packing lunches and snacks for… Continue Reading Back to School!

Healthy Hydration

It’s summer time! With summer time comes fun, beach days, vacation trips, and lots of outdoor activity.  What else do we face during this season?  HEAT!  That’s right, with all of this skyrocketing fun also comes skyrocketing temperatures.  With the increase in outdoor activity and the rise in temperature, it is important to stay hydrated. … Continue Reading Healthy Hydration

Greens, Greens, and More Greens!

When it comes to eating greens there are two types of people. Some avoid eating vegetables due to taste, texture, and other personal preferences, while others are constant green eaters, but struggle with produce turning before it can be finished. Regardless of which person you are, keep reading, these tips are for you! Greens are… Continue Reading Greens, Greens, and More Greens!

Exercising with Kids

Exercise can relieve stress, prevent certain diseases, and keep you energized. However, sometimes it can be hard to keep an exercise routine when there are little ones around. Invite your kids to join you in these fun activities that get your heart pumping.