
Eating for a Happy Planet

June 28th was World Nature Conservation Day, so it is fitting to find ways to give back to the Earth after all it has shared with us. Here are a few tips to shift toward nature-friendly eating habits. Tip #1: Buy Local Shop for groceries at local stores, farmers markets, or farm stands. Buying foods… Continue Reading Eating for a Happy Planet

Summer Food Ideas

What we choose to eat is influenced by many factors, such as taste preferences, culture, season, and weather. Summer makes me think of barbecues, picnics, eating from the garden, and cold treats to cool off. Eat smart this summer with these ideas for warm weather recipes.

Growing Smart Choices

After all that spring snow, are you ready for spring sunshine? I certainly am! It’s also the time of year to start planning your garden. Growing your own fresh fruits and veggies is a great way to eat smart for the whole family. Kids who grow their own food are more likely to eat it.… Continue Reading Growing Smart Choices


Gardening for Health and Wealth

Last week, we talked about seasonal foods. This week, I wanted to tell you about the best source of affordable, nutritious, local, seasonal foods: a garden! For the price of a pound of tomatoes, you can use your SNAP benefits to buy a tomato plant. That plant will produce many pounds of tomatoes over its… Continue Reading Gardening for Health and Wealth