
Nutrition Tips for Allergy Season

Sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose, general misery: allergy season is upon us. Seasonal allergies affect about 60 million people in the United States. It’s pretty likely that you fall into that group. Aside from medication, is there anything else you can do about your allergy symptoms? Yes! Let’s look at how diet can help reduce… Continue Reading Nutrition Tips for Allergy Season


Seafood- Delicious and Nutritious

What’s the first thing that pops in your mind when thinking about why you should eat seafood? I bet it’s Omega-3 fatty acids. These special fats are “essential” for good health, meaning we must get them from our diet because our bodies cannot make them. Seafood happens to be the best source of these special… Continue Reading Seafood- Delicious and Nutritious