Preserving Your Garden Harvest

Gardens are in full bloom around the state. You might be overflowing with some fruits and veggies, like squash, zucchini, tomatoes, berries, or cucumbers. For many gardeners, there’s more produce than you can eat before it goes bad. There are several ways to preserve food to enjoy later, some take more effort than others. And… Continue Reading Preserving Your Garden Harvest

Safe Packed Lunches

Brushing up on food safety is important as kids go back to school. If you pack lunch for your kids, or if you pack your own lunch, you need to take steps to keep germs out. Without proper food safety, you can get very sick. And no one wants to start the school year with… Continue Reading Safe Packed Lunches

Kids in the Kitchen

Not only is cooking with your child a great way to bond with them, it’s also a good way to broaden the types of foods they eat. Children are more likely to enjoy a food if they see how to cook it and help in the process. If you’re unsure about what to make for… Continue Reading Kids in the Kitchen

MyPlate-Inspired Nigerian Meals

Do you need ideas for making healthy meals for your family? Fruits and vegetables can easily be mixed into several different dishes to make them even tastier! MyPlate encourages you to make that half your plate fruits and vegetables. Get inspired with new ways to add fruits and veggies with tasty Nigerian dishes. Try out… Continue Reading MyPlate-Inspired Nigerian Meals


Spice Up Your Plate with Indian Food

Did you know that India has nutrition guidelines, just like America does? Similar to MyPlate, India follows a food pyramid which recommends eating many fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes, and fewer meats, oils, high-fat foods, and added sugar. Preparing Indian recipes is a fun way to incorporate more variety and flavor into your meals.

Eat Smart when Grilling Out

Some of the best parts of summer are time spent with friends and family outdoors. Plus, there’s usually food involved! From large family picnics to neighborhood BBQs or grilling out for dinner, most of us cook and eat meals outside during the summer season. But a lot of the common foods for these events tend… Continue Reading Eat Smart when Grilling Out