Avoiding the Freshman Fifteen

Written by Kelsey Tripp Part of National Nutrition Month 2014 If you are in college, you may be afraid of gaining the dreaded “freshman fifteen”. I often find myself eating chips, cookies, and other tasty snacks, but I later regret those empty calories. Everyone should eat those delicious treats on occasion, but it is important… Continue Reading Avoiding the Freshman Fifteen


Scrumptious Spinach

Written by Deanna Teter Part of National Nutrition Month 2014 Spinach is a veggie many people do not like because of the rep that comes with it; people do not think it tastes good. But, if you are not a fan of how it tastes by itself, it can taste great when you add it… Continue Reading Scrumptious Spinach


Rhapsody in Orange

Written by Katarina Smiljanec Part of National Nutrition Month 2014 Imagine a rainbow of tropical colors combined in a nutritious drink! Fresh squeezed juice is a delicious way of refreshing and energizing your body. By focusing and thinking about what you are tasting, you are also making your brain exercise and stay healthy. I decided… Continue Reading Rhapsody in Orange


A Spin on Spinach

Written by Maureen Pryatel Part of National Nutrition Month 2014 What words come to mind when you hear the word «spinach?» Let me guess: did the words gross, yuck, and blah come to mind? Well, clear your mind of those negative connotations about spinach because this superfood is about to become your favorite vegetable! You… Continue Reading A Spin on Spinach


Chickpea Craze

Written by Amanda Presler Part of National Nutrition Month 2013 You might be familiar with garbanzo beans, also know as chickpeas, but did you know all you can do with them? Because they are legumes, chickpeas are a great source of protein and fiber! One serving of chickpeas provides you with just 120 calories. 20… Continue Reading Chickpea Craze


Sensationally Safe Snacking

Written by Erin Passaro Part of National Nutrition Month 2014 You’re probably sitting at your computer, looking at the clock and debating if you should read this blog post. However, despite how much time you have, in the hustle and bustle of this hectic American lifestyle, eating happens. Judging from the 2/3 of Americans that… Continue Reading Sensationally Safe Snacking


Season of Squash

Written by Rachel O’Connor Part of National Nutrition Month 2014 In March, it’s still chilly, and hard to imagine any vegetable could be in season. On the contrary — many are! One of the best vegetables to purchase during the winter/early spring is squash. It is very low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium and… Continue Reading Season of Squash


Don’t Bring Home the Bacon!

Written by Elaine Meredith Part of National Nutrition Month 2014 A breakfast for those with hypertension. Why do you eat what you eat? Maybe because the food you eat now is what you grew up with. Possibly it’s because one restaurant is cheaper than another. Maybe it’s because it’s just plain tasty! Taste has a… Continue Reading Don’t Bring Home the Bacon!


Try to Ch-Ch-Chia!

Written by Hunter Meakin Part of National Nutrition Month 2014 Do you want to add more proteins and minerals to your meals without changing the flavor? Would you like to reap multiple health benefits by adding one ingredient to your every day foods? If you answered yes to these questions, then you should consider adding… Continue Reading Try to Ch-Ch-Chia!