Basic Nutrients

MyPlate: Everything you need to know

Do you catch yourself asking, is this meal nutritious? We have the perfect answer for you! MyPlate is the current food and nutrition guide from the United States Department of Agriculture and was created to give Americans an easy visual guide to help them make more nutritious choices. The nutrition recommendations within MyPlate are based… Continue Reading MyPlate: Everything you need to know

Mes Nacional de los Alimentos Enlatados

Febrero, es el mes Nacional de los Alimentos Enlatados y, para celebrarlo, nos gustaría compartir información y consejos sobre este tipo de alimentos. Existen muchos mitos y conceptos erróneos acerca de los alimentos enlatados. Los mismos constituyen excelentes opciones alimenticias, especialmente como una forma conveniente y no perecedera de agregar frutas y verduras adicionales a… Continue Reading Mes Nacional de los Alimentos Enlatados

National Canned Food Month

February is National Canned Food Month and in order to celebrate we would like to share some information and tips surrounding all things canned food! Many myths and misconceptions about canned food exist, but they are great food options, especially as a convenient and nonperishable way to add extra fruits and vegetables onto your plate.… Continue Reading National Canned Food Month

Back-to-School: Meal Planning and Make-Ahead Recipes

As the back-to-school season approaches, the need for quick, nutritious, and delicious meals may become more essential than ever. Balancing a busy schedule with the desire to provide healthy meals for yourself and your family might seem challenging, but with some thoughtful planning and creative recipes, you can breeze through weeknight dinners and pack wholesome… Continue Reading Back-to-School: Meal Planning and Make-Ahead Recipes

Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15 – October 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month. First introduced by California Congressman George E. Brown in 1968, this month serves as a recognition for the many roles that Hispanic individuals have played in our communities around the country. The dates are significant because these they represent the Independence Day celebrations of five Hispanic… Continue Reading Hispanic Heritage Month

Mes de la Herencia Hispana

Desde el 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre, es el Mes de la Herencia Hispana. En 1968, el congresista de California George E. Brown presentó por primera vez, este mes como un reconocimiento a los muchos roles que los hispanos han desempeñado en nuestras comunidades en todo el país. Las fechas son significativas porque… Continue Reading Mes de la Herencia Hispana

Got Dairy?

Did you know that June is Dairy Month? According to the USDA, foods and drinks that contain dairy should be included in your daily diet. Why Dairy? Not only can dairy products be tasty, they also have nutrients that are great for the body! Dairy sources provide: Vitamin D and Calcium: support bone health, particularly… Continue Reading Got Dairy?