eating healthy

MyPlate: Everything you need to know

Do you catch yourself asking, is this meal nutritious? We have the perfect answer for you! MyPlate is the current food and nutrition guide from the United States Department of Agriculture and was created to give Americans an easy visual guide to help them make more nutritious choices. The nutrition recommendations within MyPlate are based… Continue Reading MyPlate: Everything you need to know

Mes Nacional de los Alimentos Enlatados

Febrero, es el mes Nacional de los Alimentos Enlatados y, para celebrarlo, nos gustaría compartir información y consejos sobre este tipo de alimentos. Existen muchos mitos y conceptos erróneos acerca de los alimentos enlatados. Los mismos constituyen excelentes opciones alimenticias, especialmente como una forma conveniente y no perecedera de agregar frutas y verduras adicionales a… Continue Reading Mes Nacional de los Alimentos Enlatados

National Canned Food Month

February is National Canned Food Month and in order to celebrate we would like to share some information and tips surrounding all things canned food! Many myths and misconceptions about canned food exist, but they are great food options, especially as a convenient and nonperishable way to add extra fruits and vegetables onto your plate.… Continue Reading National Canned Food Month

Back-to-School: Meal Planning and Make-Ahead Recipes

As the back-to-school season approaches, the need for quick, nutritious, and delicious meals may become more essential than ever. Balancing a busy schedule with the desire to provide healthy meals for yourself and your family might seem challenging, but with some thoughtful planning and creative recipes, you can breeze through weeknight dinners and pack wholesome… Continue Reading Back-to-School: Meal Planning and Make-Ahead Recipes

Back to School!

The heat of summer is (finally) starting to fade, giving way to cooler weather and… back to school time! While this is an exciting time for parents, it can also be a time that brings about certain worries for both parents and kids. One of those worries may center around food. Packing lunches and snacks for… Continue Reading Back to School!

Summer Produce: Eating In-Season

Have you ever stepped inside of a grocery store and gone to the produce section only to find the fruits and vegetables that you were looking for were not only super expensive, but also didn’t taste all that great? Often times, it’s because the produce is out-of-season! So, why should you buy and eat your… Continue Reading Summer Produce: Eating In-Season

Get Cooking, Kids!

Getting your kids in the kitchen is a great way to spend time together. It can also be a time to teach them to enjoy cooking. Kids can learn the basics of building a balanced plate filled with fruits, veggies, grains, and protein. These skills will help them become life-long healthy eaters. Kids are more… Continue Reading Get Cooking, Kids!

Keep Nutrition a Priority at Home

This isn’t exactly how we imagined finishing out National Nutrition Month. There’s no denying that this is a tough time for families across the Commonwealth. Like us, your everyday routine has been completely changed. Whether you’re social distancing or quarantined completely, we’re here to share ways you can keep nutrition a priority on your table.