Wow, Water for Weight Loss?! Why it’s Wise to Wet your Whistle!

It seems that almost every day we hear of a new crazy way to lose weight – especially this time of year as people begin to struggle to stick with their New Year’s Resolutions. If you’re trying to get healthy and shed some pounds, you might find it hard to sort through all the fads. Lucky for you, the answer is closer than you think and is always available through your kitchen sink!

Behold the power of water! Did you know that drinking two 8-oz glasses of water before each of your 3 meals can actually help you lose more weight? Researchers at Virginia Tech found that people who drank the water before each meal lost more weight than those who didn’t. Read more here.

It is important for all individuals, including older adults and those who engage in physical activity, to maintain proper hydration for optimal health. Replacing sugary beverages such as soda, sweet tea, and juice with water can aid in weight loss and improve overall well-being. To learn about the specific muscle groups targeted and what muscles do exercise bikes work to achieve rapid weight loss, refer to the linked article.

We know that there are so many benefits of drinking water, so why aren’t we doing it? “Bottled water is expensive!” “I don’t like the taste of water – it’s so bland!” Ever heard these phrases or felt this way before? Well, you’re not alone. Consider these tips for jazzing up your tap water:

  • Make unsweetened green, herbal, or black tea with tea bags
  • Add seasonal fresh or frozen fruit to a large jug of water in your fridge
  • Herbs from your summer garden can add great flavor, too!
  • If you’d like to sweeten up your flavored water, add a small amount of honey, sugar, or your favorite artificial sweetener

Blog Post - Drink More Water PhotoTry this quick recipe at home:

Ingredients and Tools:

  • 1 of each: orange, lime, lemon
  • Ice
  • Tap water
  • Pitcher
  • Wooden Spoon

Directions: Wash fruit thoroughly. Cut orange, lemon, and lime half, then slice into semi-circles. Add fruit to pitcher and smash lightly with the wooden spoon to release some of the juices. Fill the jar with ice, pour in water to the top, and stir. Chill in the fridge and drink over the next few days – the flavor gets stronger the longer it sits!

The combinations of fruits/vegetables/herbs you can use are endless! Other examples include raspberry and lime, pineapple and mint, berries and sage, watermelon and rosemary, cucumber and mint, etc. Use your creativity to come up with your own recipe using the same technique described above, and feel free to share below.

Now let’s drink [WATER] to better health! Cheers!

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